Philosophy of Education
Kiddyland’s approach combines elements of the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori, the Theory of Multiple Intelligences developed by Dr. Howard Gardner.
From the Montessori philososphy we focus on four key areas:
At Kiddyland we believe in the development of the whole child—social, cognitive, physical and emotional. We believe this approach will allow your children to develop crucial critical thinking skills, independent thought and decision making abilities, excellent language, communication and social skills, self confidence and a genuine love of learning that will last a lifetime.
We are very proud of the excellent staff we have assembled. Our teachers are passionate, ethical and dedicated to providing your children the best possible experience. Our teachers use their skill and experience to establish an environment that promotes learning, growth and fun. In this type of environment we find children really come to enjoy working and learning. Our teachers are trained to allow children to learn independently while also closely observing behaviours to ensure a rewarding experience and environment.
Using language to develop and encourage critical communication and social skills and to use language in a beautiful way.
“Language is the fruit of the spirit, an expression of the spirit. Each word exists only for a moment. It seems nothing in comparison to the mountain. But though it is nothing it has magic powers because through it we can create pictures in the mind, pictures of things that happened in the past, images of things that can happen in the future. WE can create love, hate. We can make people vibrate in their spirit”
—Dr. Maria Montessori
By using their senses children gain knowledge and awareness of their environment.
“During these years a child develops his senses and his attention is directed towards the environment. During this period he should therefore be methodically exposed to stimuli that will develop his senses rationally and thus lay the foundation for his mental powers”.
—Dr. Maria Montessori
The Mathematical Mind. Math is all around us. Children learn and understand traditional math concepts and principles.
“If man were not endowed with a mathematical mind very few of his achievements would be conceivable. Mathematics therefore, should be as natural to man as language is”.
—Dr. Maria Montessori
Practical Life focuses on the activities of daily life. Through focusing on daily tasks from beginning to completion, children develop a sense of accomplishment and self confidence. The introduction of exercise in grace and courtesy further develop a child’s social skills.
“The child can only develop fully by means of experience in his environment. We call such experience “work”. So the first thing education demands is the provision of an environment in which he can develop the powers given to him by nature”.
—Dr. Maria Montessori
We also believe in the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, developed by Dr. Howard Gardner, which identifies seven distinct human intelligences:
Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to think in words and use language to express ideas.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is the ability to calculate, measure, use logic and solve math and science problems.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence is the ability to use bodies and hands with great skill.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence is the ability to think in pictures and to see and create images or designs with shape, color and size.
Musical Intelligence is the ability to hear and use pitch, rhythm and tone.
Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to understand and interact with other people in a variety of ways.
Intrapersonal Intelligence is the ability to understand your feelings and who you are in the world.